What's a poster session?

A poster session is a presentation format with the following characteristics:

  1. A small, relatively restricted topic or theme that can be introduced and explained in a short time 
  2. A poster (about 24" x 36") sitting on an easel that presents the most important points of the topic
  3. A knowledgeable person who provides a short overview of the topic and answers questions
  4. A handout that participants can pick up that contains additional references, links and information

A poster session emphasizes conversation among small groups of people. It tries to strike a balance between talking and listening.  Some people may just wander by and read the poster or pick up the handout.  Others may "eavesdrop" on a group.  Some people may contribute their own experiences.  It is a fluid format that is becoming increasingly popular at many professional conferences because it blurs the line between the expert and the novice.  Poster sessions are frequently the first presentation opportunities for students.

Several faculty at GCC have experimented with this presentation format for students in their classes as an alternative to a speech or an essay. A poster is less scary for students than an in-class speech or a formal essay; evaluation can be very efficient for teachers. (It may be possible to reserve the Teleconference Room for poster sessions. A change in location makes the experience more formal.) If you choose this activity, you can divide your class in half and have one group present their posters during one class period with the other half of the class acting as the audience. Reverse the roles for the following class period. Have students in the "audience" complete an evaluation form for each poster and author. Don't forget to ask other classes or colleagues to visit!

Here is some additional information about Poster Sessions:

I am finding a number of websites devoted to presentation advice for poster sessions.  These don't just address the poster design; some address the kinds of talk that goes on to support these sessions.  I found them interesting and helpful, both for me and, if I were to use posters in a course, for students.

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Glendale Community College, Glendale, AZ