Report your Participation in Individual Assessment for ENG/ENH/ESL/Dev.Ed.

Please enter your name

What two questions did you explore this semester about student learning?

What information/evidence/data did you gather in response to your questions?

What did you discover?  What were your conclusions?

What impact did your discoveries have on your teaching?  Student engagement?  Your focus on student learning?Your course, program or discipline?

What do you plan to do the same and differently based on your discoveries about student learning?

If you discussed the information gathered with other GCC faculty members, what was your impression of those discussions?

Please enter the name of the course, e.g. ENG101, ENG102, etc.

Please enter the section numbers of the course, e.g. 1234, 3456, 7899. Separate the sections with commas:

Please include your email address:


Page Icon Last updated by Rashmi Menon on February 09, 2009 .  Legal Notice.