English Department Assessment Reports -- Spring, 2006

Assessment, to be useful, should be ongoing and should address the questions that faculty uncover in their classes. Please choose at least one element of each course you teach to assess each semester.

This individual option is available for faculty who are teaching courses other than ENG071, 101 or 102, or those who prefer to assess their students individually. Please complete the following form for each course you are teaching.

You can create your assessment report in Word (here's a simple template). Don't use any fancy formatting. Save it in rich text format. Then copy and paste the paragraphs into the appropriate boxes below.

Please select your course from the following drop-down list:

Please enter your name:

Please enter the section numbers of the course, e.g. 1234, 3456, 7899. Separate the sections with commas:

Please list the specific Student Learning Outcomes (from the course competencies) that were assessed:

Describe the assessment method used:

Describe the changes you will or have already made (based on what was learned from the assessment):

Please include your email address:

Page Icon Last updated by Karen Schwalm on November 09, 2006 .  Legal Notice.
http://glory.gc.maricopa.edu /English/Assessment/Spring06/index.htm