Boxcorner Rubric for the evaluation of summaries

4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Accuracy and completeness of content The summary contains all of the key ideas in the original, including complete and accurate information about the source.

The summary may omit one of the key ideas in the original article or include a detail or example; the source information may be inaccurate or incomplete.

The summary omits several key ideas from the original article or includes ideas that are not in the article; the source information is incomplete or missing. This is not a summary of the article.
Topic sentence, concluding sentence, and paragraph organization

The summary has a clear topic sentence and several sub-topic that explain key ideas from the original. The summary is organized.

The summary is overly general or very short; the organization is unclear or inconsistent. The topic sentence does not express the main idea of the original article; the summary lacks any organizational structure. The summary has no topic sentence; the paragraph is disorganized, containing ideas in a random order.
Complete/accurate paraphrase of source All sentences paraphrase the original source completely. There may be one or two "echoes" of the original source.

Many sentences contain incomplete paraphrases of the original.

The summary contains sentences pasted from the original.
Sentence precision All sentences are clear, accurate and complete. Most sentences are clear, accurate and complete.

Several sentences are incomplete or the meaning is garbled and unclear. The summary addresses the reader using the second person "you."

Many sentences are incomplete, or the meaning is confused or unclear.
Grammar, usage and mechanics [GUM] The summary is free of errors. The summary contains only one or two minor errors in GUM.

The summary contains several errors in GUM that distract the reader.

The summary contains many errors in GUM.

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