Courses: ENG102 First-Year Composition
Sections: Summer1 5258
Name: Renee Barstack
Student Learning Outcomes: 5. Integrate sources through summarizing, paraphrasing, and quotation from sources to develop and support one's own ideas. (III, IV)
Method: 1. Students were given an assignment to -summarize two specific articles on-line and list the proper bibliographical information -paraphrase five specific paragraphs -use six different styles of quotations by selecting from a list of quotes 2. Students demonstrated their ability to summarize, paraphrase, and quote from sources by including examples of each in their final research paper.
Outcomes: Previously students were given an assignment called Research in Progress which required them to practice and demonstrate the necessary skills to write a research paper. The following seven components were included: thesis statement; outline or graphic organizer; paraphrase; summarize; quotation; abstract; annotated bibliography. The semester before this was one large assignment worth 150 points; students found it very difficult, only did parts of it, or did not submit it at all.

So, this semester I divided the assignment into three parts with each counting a number of points adding up to the same 150 points. This worked! Students submitted each portion of the assignment and did better than previous students doing the whole assignment as one. Mastery of these skills was demonstrated in their research papers. I was thrilled!


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