Courses: ENG101 First-Year Composition
Sections: 2147
Name: Dr. James Sanders
Student Learning Outcomes: Analyze specific rhetorical contexts, including cirumstance, purpose, topic, audience, and writer, as well as the writing's ethical, political, and clultural implicaitons. (I, III)
Method: The assessed compentency: rhetorical dimensions of audience. Introductory lecture based on Aristote's notion of audience; Analysis of professional writer (Roger Rosenblatt) on how to evoke the notion of audience in the opening paragraph.

Students were instructed to use the Rosenblatt essay as a model, incorporating all elements used by Rosenblatt. Subsequent student essay was graded based on how closely the student followed the model essay.

Outcomes: Very little change needed; students seem to understand both the theory of audience (Aristotle) and the praxis (Rosenblatt). I would like to stress more theory and have students evaluate a number of different writers for audience.


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