Report your participation in group assessment

Please let us know you will participate in group assessment by submitting the following form. If you make changes before your students submit essays, or if you want to add or delete a section, just resubmit the form.

Please select your course from the following drop-down list:

Please enter your name:

Please enter the section numbers of the course, e.g. 1234, 3456, 7899. Separate the sections with commas:

Is this a argumentative essay?

Yes, this will be an argumentative essay.
No, this will not be an argumentative essay.

Is this a documented essay that includes in-text citations and a Works Cited list?

Yes, this will be a documented essay.
No, this essay does not require documentation.

Provide a brief description of the assignment:

If this assignment is on the web, please provide the URL to it:

Please include your email address:


Page Icon Last updated by Karen Schwalm on November 16, 2006 .  Legal Notice.