Setting departmental goals for Spring Semester

Below are some suggestions for goals we could establish as a department for the upcoming year. Check the ones that you think would be interesting to pursue, or contribute your own suggestion. (Your answers are anonymous!)

Expand the use of rubrics - This could be a collaborative project

Expand the use of technology in classes - For example, we could set a goal that faculty incorporate three technology activities in their classes each semester.

Develop and test specific instructional units on citation - This could be a collaborative project

Closely analyze the results from scoring ENG101 and 071 essays to identify areas for improvement

Analyze errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics in ENG101 essays (identify the top 10 errors?)

Develop a common ENG071 assignment for assessment

What other assessment goal would you like to see the department pursue?

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Glendale Community College, Glendale, AZ