GCC English 101: Common Final Assignment for Fall, 2007

Topic: Driving while Texting

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Practicing thinking and writing

In English 101 this semester, you have probably thought and written about topics in at least four ways.  You have investigated the causes or effects leading to or following from certain actions; you have grouped similar things into classes or categories; you have looked at similarities and differences between two things; and you have developed a thesis and supported it with examples or reasons.  In addition, you may have defined terms, explained a process, described an object or situation, or argued a position.  All of these ways of thinking will help in preparing for this final argumentative essay. For example, you can

  1. analyze the causes or effects of texting while driving;
  2. classify texting while driving as one kind of driving distraction or examine teenagers as one category of drivers;
  3. compare or contrast texting while driving with other kinds of driving distractions;
  4. develop a thesis about texting while driving and support it with examples or reasons.

While you may have some personal experience with texting while driving, you should broaden your perspective by reading what others think. Remember that your essay should be a documented argument.

Developing an argumentative thesis

An argumentative thesis takes a position with which reasonable people might disagree. Here are some examples:

  1. Driving while texting should be against the law.
  2. Driving while using a cell phone should be against the law.
  3. Driving while talking on a hands-free phone should be against the law.

Using some of the information you discovered as you became informed about the topic, draft an arguable thesis about texting while driving. An "arguable thesis" states a position that is not obvious, one with which some people might disagree. Note that all the examples above could be revised to present an opposite position that could be argued by reasonable people.

You might find this Thesis Builder and Online Outliner helpful.

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