Planning assessment

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Assessment, to be useful, should be ongoing and should address the questions you uncover in your classes. Please choose one element of each course you teach to assess each semester. Then connect that element to the specific competencies of the course. Or you can choose one of the elements identified in the Closing the Loop Survey presented to faculty each fall semester. For example, for 2005-2006, GCC identified five different ways in which results could be used to improve instruction and asked faculty if they

• Modified course assignments (54%);
• Emphasized critical thinking (45%);
• Developed new materials (34%);
• Changed teaching style (29%); and
• Remapped the syllabus (23%).

Any of these activities would be appropriate, especially when coupled with the specific competencies of a particular course you teach. For example, many of us might have tried new teaching activities or developed new teaching materials in order to reach a changing student population in our classes.

We have been collecting lots of information about assessing on the English Department Assessment web pages.

Read about Course Assessment and some previous assessment activities at the program level.

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