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A program within the Physical Sciences Department

Project GeoMap-Construction of the Landscape

   Phase 1: Construction of GeoMap began with removal of the original landscape gravels (preserving the trees and existing electrical lighting). Then the area was surveyed by Gary Calderone, Wayne Johnson, and Steve Kadel.
   Phase 2: Construction of Elsner Butte and Abel Terrace. Flagstones are a facade in front of compacted dirt.
  Phase 3: Completion of Elsner Butte and Abel Terrace. Limestone Boulders Cap these features 
  Phase 4: "Outcrops" of other rock units are installed and similarly colored gravel is spread in designated pattern.
Phase 5: "Volcano" and "Gonzalez Creek" are installed (by GCC faculty)


Glendale Community College  Physical Sciences Department Astronomy  Physics  Physical Science 

Please report problems to: gary.calderone@gccaz.edu
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URL: http://www.gccaz.edu /academicdepartments/physicalscience/geoweb/gmapconstr.html
Last update: Friday, 12-Sep-2014 13:25:55 US Mountain Standard Time