Here's the puzzle solved.


 Notice that there is a folded sequence of rocks beneath the flat-lying layers. If we straighten these folded layers, the oldest rock is the Tecate Arkose.

The Berry Breccia is next youngest by the Principle of Superposition.

Then comes in order the Apple Sandstone, the Kiwi Shale, and the Coal all by the Principle of Superposition.

These rocks were then folded prior to the deposition of the Banana Sandstone. We know this by the Principle of Original Horizontality.

After the folding, the Banana Sandstone was deposited in order by the Tequila Shale and the Mezcal Limestone by the Principle of Superposition.

Finally, Deadman's Canyon is the youngest geologic feature. We know this by the Principle of Lateral Continuity. The rocks on the cliff with the stickperson are the same as the rocks on the other cliff. Therefore the canyon must be younger than those rocks.

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