Physical Science Department

Pam Nelson

Geology Instructor

Glendale Community College
Historical Geology Laboratory (GLG 104)

Lab Exercise #7

Dating Sequences,

Observing Geologic Structures &

Reading the Grand Canyon’s Rock Record

If you are not enrolled in Geology 104 at GCC and wish to see/use the lab worksheet prepared for this class, please contact Pam.

Exercise 1: Sequence Diagrams

Access the information in your lab manual to complete this exercise.

Exercise 2: Examples of Geological Structures

Click on the links corresponding to the question numbers to access the images:

(1) San Andreas Stream Offset
(2) Road Cut, Death Valley, CA
(3) Ubehebe Crater, Death Valley,CA
(4) Sideling Hill, West Virginia
(5) Turret Rock, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
(First 5 from

(6) Whitby, Yorkshire, England
----copyright © J.Waldron 1998----
(7) Cheverie, Nova Scotia
----copyright © J.Waldron 1998----
(8) Glacier National Park
(9) Canyonlands National Park, Utah
(10) Siccar Point, Scotland
(11) South Teton, Wyoming
(12) Grand Canyon, River level

Exercise 3: Exploring the Grand Canyon

Access the site Grand Canyon Explorer
You can either use the links at the top of the page to get to separate sections of this page, or simply scroll down through the sections.

These images occur within the Grand Canyon page,
and are also utilized to answer #1 f, g:

#1f: Mohave Point (Differential Erosion) [from:]
#1g: Pima Point: Cambrian Sediments & Inner Gorge (Differential Erosion)
and Vishnu Schist/Zorroaster Granite Erosion


Exercise 4: Geology of Other Planets

Access the site Views of the Solar System
maintained by Calvin J. Hamilton.
Follow directions to answer questions within your packet.

Please be advised! Some sites listed on this page are maintained by people and projects outside of the Maricopa CCC District system and GCC. We are not responsible for their content.

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