Video - 11 K

Just the video element: (.m4v) - video/mp4

This is an example from w3schools that works
in Firefox. It uses uses the .ogg video format. wiki

Video element with multiple source elements:
.mv4 - video/mp4 - avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2
.webm - video/webm - vp8, vorbis
.ogv - video/ogv - theora, vorbis

Video element with multiple source elements plus the object element for Flash Video
.mv4 - video/mp4 - avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2
.webm - video/webm - vp8, vorbis
.ogv - video/ogv - theora, vorbis
swf that calls a .flv

This was created by Dreamweaver inserting an .swf (flash file) that calls a .flv (Flash video file).

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

This was created by Dreamweaver insterting a .flv (flash video).

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

this was created directly from Flash by publishing the html,
and the swf, and it also created the controls file called
Get Adobe Flash player

This is a YouTube video displayed through an iframe
In order to show your oun videos this way you need to
create a YouTube account and upload your videos to it.

This is a YouTube video displayed through an iframe

Guide to custom YouTube player options

More YouTube optioins