Glendale Community College

English/Reading/Journalism Assessment

ENG 102


The common assignment for English 102 for the fall will be writing summaries. Summarizing is a key skill in English 102; it requires students to read carefully, to identify

main ideas, and to paraphrase those ideas accurately. 

The Assessment Committee has selected the sources for this activity and will produce the report summarizing participation and results.

Please use one of the following sources for this assessment activity. All are available in library databases to which we subscribe or on the web:

1. "No Crisis For Boys In Schools, Study Says; Academic Success Linked to Income." (The Washington Post May 2008) [ProQuest Newspapers]
2. “Kids Might Perform Better in School if Split by Gender” by Doug Gross (BayState Banner 15 June 2006) [Ethnic Newswatch
3. “ACLU Suing Middle School for Single Sex Classes” by Amy Fagan, The Washington Times, Lexis Nexis.
4. “Closing the Doors on Single Sex Education” (Broadsheet) []

If you would like to use an article for class practice in summarizing, please use:
2-year college students rarely use advisors, survey shows, by Elyse Ashburn (Chronicle of Higher Education, Dec. 1, 2006) [Chronicle of Higher Education]


Criteria for Common Assignment

Instructions for Student Submissions

Participation Form for Teachers


Page Icon Last updated by Rashmi Menon on December 01, 2008.  Legal Notice.
Glendale Community College, Glendale, AZ